Produced by: Kaos Films
Directed by: Stéphane Lauwerijs
Sound Design and Mix: Thomas Resimont
BNP Paribas Fortis Film Days 2018 – NL versie
Production: Kaos Films
Sound Design, dubbing and mix: Bubbles-Sound
BNP Paribas Fortis Film Days 2018 – Father FR
Production: Kaos Films
Sound Design, dubbing and mix: Bubbles-Sound
Proximus Mobile Data
Production: Skynet Imotion Activities
Directed by: Arka
Mix and Sound Design: Thomas Resimont
Proximus Mobile Data – Hotspot
Production: Skynet Imotion Activities
Directed by: Arka
Mix and Sound Design: Thomas Resimont
Ellis Gourmet Burger
Production: Panda Blenders
Directed by: Matthias Berthe
Mix and Sound Design: Thomas Resimont
Total Western
Production: Film Makers
Directed by: Fred De Loof
Agency: Havas
Sound Design: Thomas Resimont
Total Star Wars
Production: Film Makers
Directed by: Fred De Loof
Agency: Havas
Sound Design: Thomas Resimont
Food Technology
Agency : Mostra
Production : Latcho Drom
Animation : Atelier de l’Enclume – Rémi Durin
Original Music and Sound Design: Thomas Resimont
Moulinex Companion
Creation & Production: Adjust
Direction: Stephane Joiris
Music & Sound Design: Thomas Resimont
Kaai 37
Production & Creation: Gabari
Compositing: Du Graphisme etc
Sound Design & Mix: Thomas Resimont
Profoto – Umbrella
Production and Creation: Alex och Martin Sweden
Music and Sound Design: Fredrik Söderstrom and Thomas Resimont
Electrabel Airport Animation
Production: Brandfirst
Animation and Gesture Recognition: Brandfirst
Mix: Bubbles Sound
OIE – Rinderpest
Production: Kaos Films
Direction: Stephane Lauwerijs
Compositing: Yann Deval / Stephane Laplatte
Sound Design: Bubbles Sound
Queen Towers
Production and Creation: Gabari
Compositing: David Nataf / Du Graphisme etc
Music and Sound Design: Bubbles Sound
Client: Euroscola
Production: Audioviual Unit of the European Parliament
Music & Sound Design: Thomas Resimont
Client: Club RTL
Production: 2 sur 2
Director: Jean-Stephane Malherbe
Sound Design: Thomas Resimont
Client: CLUB RTL
Production: 2 sur 2
Director: Jean-Stephane Malherbe
Sound Design: Thomas Resimont
Agency: Second Floor
Production: Darling
Director: Le Deck & The Nitch
Music: Thomas Resimont
Orange World ING
Sound Design: Thomas Resimont
Client: DG Informatique
Agency: Mostra
Production: Latchodrom
Animation: L’Enclume
Music & Sound Design: Thomas Resimont
Client: Securite Routiere Suisse
Production: Mucho
Director: Joel Franka
Music & Sound Design: Thomas Resimont
Client: EDICS
Production: Kaos Films
Director: Yellow Cat
Sound Design & Music: Thomas Resimont